Wednesday, February 26, 2020

2 Questions Needed to be Ansewered Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 Questions Needed to be Ansewered - Assignment Example Firstly, they encourage countries to tighten money supply and reduce fiscal stimulus (Friedman 4). Secondly, they advocate privatization of public enterprises (Friedman Web). They also advocates for liberal, free market economy. These institutions also force countries to adopt tax rate that prevail in other countries. They also demands countries to maintain their deficit to GDP ratio to international standards. In addition, they allow the removal of restrictions on the flow of international capital and the removal of barriers to trade (Quiggin 5). Countries are also required to maintain zero tolerance to corruption. In fact, after the 1980’s debt crisis, the IMF required the government to cut public expenditure, sell or close public institution operating at a loss followed by removal of regulatory policies (Quiggin 32). Several benefits exist to countries that follow the Golden Straightjacket. The first benefit is the increased acceleration of the economy and decreased political interference (Friedman 4). The Golden Straightjacket fosters more growth and higher average income (Friedman 4). This happens through increased trading activities, foreign investments, privatization and efficiency in resources used due to the pressure of global competition (Friedman 4). On the political front, the political and economic choices of those in power are limited by the global economic standards (Friedman 4). In fact, the government control on the economy minimizes as it adopts more policies that are liberal. This means the degrees of freedom on fiscal policies are limited (Friedman 101-111). On the other hand, some countries are against the Golden Straightjacket. Consequently, there is a consequence to such countries. Firstly, there is decreased investment. Secondly, there is reduced spending or withdrawing of m oney from such countries. Moreover, such countries are required to pay higher interest rates to borrow from foreign institutions (Chaudhry

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Medieval Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medieval Christianity - Essay Example It is said in the text that â€Å"because they presumed to interpret the words of the gospel in a sense of their own, not perceiving that there were any others, they said that the gospel ought to be obeyed altogether according to the letter; and they boasted that wished to do this, and that they only were the true imitators of Christ† suggest clearly that heretics have no right to question the authority of the especially in interpreting the holy scriptures (Augsburg 149). This happens because the church leaders believe firmly that they have authority to conduct teachings. This happens because they want to avoid inconsistencies with the beliefs of the people. However, there should be a consideration on the part of the heretics since some of them are actually pointing out the wrong attitudes of the church. Based on the aforementioned scenario, the subjectivity of faith or religion is undermined given that the authorities assert that there is only one way of reading the bible ins tead of giving chances to people to relate with it. This happened because the dark ages indicated already that church has the power and strict compliance is a must. Instead of the church leaders being guides to the practice of faith, they have become tyrants that dictate the subjective condition of faith.   The text, in general, shows portrays the social turmoil that is going on. There is autocratic rule of the church. He is pointing out that all heretics are wrong. There is an extreme assertion here about faith being an innate human emotion and condition. (Augsburg 149). Also, the text points out that there are indeed inconsistencies that made the heretics deal with it. At the same time, the text is can be considered satirical in nature because of an attempt to delineate heresy with inconsistencies especially when they mentioned the sacrileges and contradictions between the sacred scripture and the saintly wisdoms (Augsberg 149). Also, there is an implication about being exclusiv e on the part of the church and on education. This reflects, in totality, that the medieval condition of the church complicated the function of social institutions and instilled conflict amongst other people that resulted to bloodshed. On the second text entitled On the Pastoral Office by John Wycliffe, the context that befits it is still the Middle Ages and the unjust and horrendous practices that happened during that time. How is this so? The text mentioned something about evil acts or perversion with the devil lingering among the ranks of rulers during the time (Wycliffe 185). This opens up to the synthesis that there are indeed abuses and injustices on the masses perpetrated not just by rulers but also of the church who exercise control over them. This shows that it is indeed the church who proclaim holiness in their words are the ones who exercise.